Welcome to Yarrawest Young Musicians!
We provide instrumental lessons to students in grades 2-6 at Yarraville West Primary School. Instruments on offer include piano/keyboard, guitar/bass guitar, ukulele, voice/singing, trumpet, and flute.
We also run a senior school band and provide performance opportunities for students within the school community.
We are a small program with capacity for around 100 students at any given time. We usually have a healthy waiting list. There is a limit on the number of students we can offer lessons to in any one class. So, if you are interested in music lessons for your child, we suggest enrolling them earlier rather than later. We can enrol grade 1's and put them on the waiting list for the following year. We cannot enrol new grade 5/6's, they must be continuing from previous years. We don't take enrolments for foundation students.
For all the details about how we work please read the Yarrawest Young Musicians Info and Enrolment 2025
For all enquiries, email ywyoungmusicians@gmail.com
To enrol your child please ensure you have read the YW Young Musicians Info and Enrolment document and then visit
Enrol at Yarrawest Young Musicians
© Yarraville West Primary School